I visited the home of Brooke and Chris - both incredible musicians, and Brooke a very talented florist. I was treated to music through the windows, some floral arranging, and much lovely conversation.

Brooke and I spoke about how scary it is do quit a stable job, and to start something on your own. We both found that this experience of isolation has let us know we are on the right path. I have noticed some things that I need to change, I don't want to return to 'normal' once this is done.

Brooke played some violin for me, I played viola as a child, and wonder what life would be like if I didn't give it up.

For a photograph together, I suggested that maybe they could play together - they agreed, Chris on a gorgeous 70s Rhodes keyboard, and Brooke on the violin.
They played this gorgeous melody together, I was taking photographs, but definitely taking my time; it was the most gorgeous sound and experience. After they stopped, I asked if they had been playing a song they know, or improvising. They had been improvising - the only way that it showed was in the way that he watched her, anticipating her next movements, and the two instruments speaking back and forth. I was so thankful that they had played for me, and they thanked me in return, as they hardly ever play together. This project has opened all of us up to new things, or to take the time to enjoy the things right in front of us.